School excursions to Penguin Island are facilitated by the state governments Parks & Wildlife Services and Perth Wildlife Encounters. Parks & Wildlife Services is responsible for the overall management of Penguin Island and The Shoalwater Islands Marine Park.

Perth Wildlife Encounters operates the ferry service (which all students use to access the island) and vessels onboard which the Dolphin, Penguin Island & Sea Lion and Penguin Island Wildlife Cruises are conducted. The vessels operate within the e- class zone of the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park under two Commercial Operations Licenses issued by Parks & Wildlife Services. Perth Wildlife Encounters holds Ecoplus Accreditation with the National Tourism Accreditation Program which is your peace of mind that we are dedicated to providing high quality and sustainable services.

The following information has been provided to assist with your planning:

Perth Wildlife Encounters 2023-2024 TOURISM LIABILITY OFF VESSEL CHARTER TOURS $20 MILLION Certificate of Currency

Perth Wildlife Encounters 2023-2024 Protection & Indemnity $500 Million Certificate of Currency

Parks & Wildlife Services Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency  

Penguin Island Cruises Pty Ltd Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency

Perth Wildlife Encounters National Tourism Accreditation Certification- ATAP accreditation number: TCWA-EP-02-0099  

China Ready Membership - Membership number: AUWA00004

Penguin Island Familiarisation Map

We suggest you take some time to look over our Penguin Island Familiarisation Map. It features Emergency Planning locations, first aid and communication posts and all the islands points of interest to assist with your planning.

On Arrival

Transport arrangements are the responsibility of the school. There is a set down bay just outside of our base in Shoalwater where coaches can drop students off to avoid walking through the car park. Coach parking bays are located in in the northern end of the carpark. On arrival, students can assemble on the grassed areas to the south and west of the building. There are public toilets, a playground and an outdoor shower located on the southern side of the building. Please note in wet weather, students should stay on the bus or assemble under the veranda on the north eastern side of the building until it’s time to board the ferry.

The teacher in charge is required to check in at our front counter to finalize passenger numbers and payments. They will be issued with a ticket which will need to be shown to gain entry to the ferry and activities. Our ticketing staff will make a call over the public address system to advise when it is time for your group to commence boarding. Your school group can follow the penguin feet (on the footpath) towards the far end of the carpark towards the gazebo and onto the jetty. Our staff will be manning the gangway onto the vessel and supervising boarding.

On the Island

There are a network of timber boardwalks from the Penguin Island jetty that lead to all the main points of interest around the island. There is a shaded, grassed picnic area with picnic tables ideal for leaving bags and meal breaks. Environmentally friendly public toilets are located a short 1 minute walk away along the boardwalk. The safest swimming beach is located directly in front of the picnic area- it’s shallow and protected from the sea breeze.

When making your away around the island, it’s important that students stay on the boardwalks or beaches to ensure that the vegetation, birds nests and penguin burrows are not disturbed. Parks & Wildlife Services also have a ‘No Touch or Take Flora or Fauna Policy’ which all visitors must adhere to by:

  • Not touching or feeding the wildlife
  • Leaving any shells, stones, bones, eggs or feathers in place (all parts of native fauna or flora, dead or alive, are protected under WA Wildlife legislation).
  • Any fishing is conducted as per the WA Department of Fisheries legislation

First Aid and Emergency Planning

At Perth Wildlife Encounters gift shop there is a first aid post including a defib unit and oxygen providing equipment. A public address system is located behind the front counter and can be used to assist with communications in the event of an emergency. An emergency muster point is located at the northern end of the Mersey Point Car Park.

First aid kits including oxygen providing equipment are located onboard all PWE vessels along with lifejackets and all other lifesaving equipment required. All PWE crew are trained in Advanced Resuscitation and renew their qualification annually. They also hold current working with children clearance certificates.

First aid is also available on Penguin Island including a defib unit and oxygen providing equipment. A public address system is located with DBCA and can be used to assist with communications in the event of an emergency. In the unlikely event that the island needs to be evacuated, students are to assemble on the beach next to the Penguin Island jetty and await further instructions from our crew.

Terms & Conditions

  • Please see full Terms & Conditions here.

Perth Wildlife Encounters have produced the following student resources based on the excursion activities available:

Penguin Island Worksheets- Pre Primary

Penguin Island Worksheets- Years 1- 3

Penguin Island Worksheets- Years 4- 6

Penguin Island Worksheets- Years 7- 8

Penguin Island Worksheets- Years 9- 10

Penguin & Seal Island Cruise- Pre Primary

Penguin & Seal Island Cruise- Years 1- 3

Penguin & Seal Island Cruise- Years 4- 6

Penguin & Seal Island Cruise- Years 7- 8

Penguin & Seal Island Cruise- Years 9- 10

Dolphins, Penguins & Sea Lions Cruise- Pre Primary

Dolphins, Penguins & Sea Lions Cruise- Years 1- 3

Dolphins, Penguins & Sea Lions Cruise- Years 4- 6

Dolphins, Penguins & Sea Lions Cruise- Years 7- 8

Dolphins, Penguins & Sea Lions Cruise- Years 9- 10

Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise- Pre Primary

Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise- Years 1- 3

Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise- Years 4- 6

Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise- Years 7- 8

Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise- Years 9- 10

Parks & Wildlife Services have also produced the following publications that contain resources that are applicable to marine parks throughout Western Australia including Penguin Island and the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park:

Discover Western Australia’s Marine Parks Activity Book

Exploring Western Australia’s Marine Parks- Teachers Guide (Years 3- 7)

Secondary Schools

Exploring Western Australia’s Marine Parks- Teachers Guide (Secondary School)